Terry Bruce

Data Analyst

317.692.5222 (p)

317.692.5233 (f)

Terry B


Bachelor of Science in Math and Computer Science, Ball State University

Masters of Business Administration, Butler University


In her role as Data Analyst, Terry works to support the information systems, application development, and data analysis needs of SHO. She works closely with almost all areas of SHO, but mainly with Credentialing, Physician Recruitment, and Population Health Analysis. Terry uses her analytical skills to identify processing and data requirements and acts as a liaison between end users and IS/IT staff.

Professional Experience


2005-present Suburban Health Organization
Data Analyst
2003-2005 Independent Software Contractor
1997-2003 Cybertec, Inc.
Project Manager
1989-1997 Bank One/Chase
System Developer
1986-1989 Golden Rule Insurance