- Launched in 2018 with the engagement of the long-standing health care governmental affairs firm, KWK Management Group, LLC.
- Educates and fosters meaningful relationships with legislative members on the history, geographic footprint, and innovative services that exist within the independent community-owned health care systems in Indiana
- Hosts the annual “SHO Legislative Day” to meet face-to-face with legislators and show the true reach of our health systems within the state (many hospitals are located in districts represented by legislative leaders, including Speaker Todd Huston and President Pro Tem Rod Bray)
- KWK interacts daily with legislators and notifies SHO when issues arise that will affect member hospitals; SHO physicians or staff members may come to the statehouse to testify on a bill
- In the last five years, KWK has advocated for positions important to SHO hospitals regarding issues like site of service and, banning of physician non-competes, along with a host of reimbursement disputes
- Formed a Political Action Committee to allow SHO-member healthcare advocates and professionals to directly support policy makers who understand our issues and support the SHO hospitals.