“At Witham Health Services, we have experienced amazing community support and extraordinary teamwork from our staff. With the community’s support and outreach, our front-line health care workers have been able to adapt more easily to get through the COVID-19 pandemic. What has made a huge impact and is also a great morale booster for our Witham staff are those who have organized prayer chains, written thank you notes, made chalk drawings in our parking lots, put up positive signage, honked and clapped for us as we left or entered our facilities and called us heroes. We’ve also received a lot of face masks and PPE that were so desperately needed. We’ve received many types of donations such as flowers, food, restaurant coupons etc. The entire of month of May the Lebanon High School Seniors gave back to the community by supporting local restaurants and healthcare workers. They provided breakfast on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, as well as dinner Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings to the Witham ER and CCU staff. All these things have touched us deeply and make us truly realize the great community we live in.”
– Witham Health Services
Learn more about how Lebanon High School seniors gave back here on the Witham Health Services Facebook page.